Yes, I really need to apologize for my negative attitudes and my apathy.
Its claim to fame is that its fragrant flowers are a powerful attraction for butterflies.
The hush of evening hung low interrupted intermittently by an African Jakana wading bird
Although timeless, the Psalms can still benefit from being “reupholstered”
Perhaps Fellowws will take us into the brave new world of the young.
Today's poem, by Greg Kennedy, SJ, is something special for the feast day of St. John the Baptist.
. . .are still newcomers. I must be humble enough to recognize that, even though I was born inCanada."
"As we traveled, I listened to shared stories, and became fully present to people in different settings. I was gradually being drawn into the miracle of life, natural and human."
"he reminds us that whenever we stop to look carefully, we will always be surprised. And this is also the grandeur that Gerard Manley Hopkins evokes throughout his poetry: “all this juice and joy”, “brute beauty”, “all things counter"
Jesus’ constant promise of peace in the Gospels is a gift offered to any of us"
A viewer take a second critical look at The Gilded Age
Would a camera capture a photo of the Risen Christ? Why? Why not?
"He was a spiritual man for whom self-denial, poverty and humility were important qualities."
"The present science of Artificial Intelligence is ethnocentric, likely flawed. AI relies on the conceptual framework of understand and improve, and does not consider fundamentals from other cultures."
"The Sermon on the Mount calls us to live a very different type of life. It is quite radical; it would be very difficult for many of us to adopt outright, myself included. However, we should all aim to live out the Beatitudes."
"A year earlier, he had offered a pithy explanation of his rhetoric and pedagogy to The New York Times: “I don’t want them to believe what I say. I just want them to think.”"
".And in the midst of all this speed, another new member of our curlers took control….a retired member of the RCMP."
" I was struck by the film’s Biblical echo. The two astronomers are contemporary prophets. DiCaprio is like Jeremiah who warned the king and people of Jerusalem of the impending danger of the Babylonians invaders who will carry off the citizen to slavery in Babylon. "
"Although money and status seem to be the main characters in this Fellowes’ creation, perhaps this fixation will be able to lead to more human and interesting character development and action in future episodes. We shall see!
"he poem was inspired by the PAWS array motion picture camera which was created for the Matrix films."
"“A nation can be considered great when it fosters a culture which enables people to dream of full rights for all their brothers and sisters, as Martin Luther King JJr. sought to do.""
St. Ignatius of Loyola – who founded the Jesuits in the 16th century - had the insight that we all live in imagined worlds, and that our imagination constructs the worlds in which we live, using our experiences, our lived contexts, our hopes, our pains and our joys. In effect we live in a highly sel
"Asa priest if she needs some help. / Célébrations dominicales en l'absence d'un prêtre
"Squid Game is .…currently sitting atop Netflix’s list of most watched shows in 94 countries around the globe. But even more astounding: Netflix says Squid Game will soon become its most viewed piece of content, in any language, ever.”"
“While Canadians see themselves as world leaders in social welfare, health care, and economic development, most reserves in Canada are economic backwaters with little prospect of material advancement and more in common with the developing world than the rest of Canada."
"Ely presents both its history in the time of the Commonwealth and crime within the Edwardian setting. Here an added touch is contributed by an inventor of alarms for coffins – devices by which the buried could signal their liveliness. "
"While it is easy to blame the churches for what has happened, . . . it seems clear that the Government of Canada should accept the blame for setting up the system of residential schools in the first place, and that it should do whatever it takes to restore the Indigenous Peoples of this land to
"“The hardy men and women who lived in the West were bound by certain unwritten rules which focused on hospitality, fair play, loyalty, and respect for the land.”
"“There was something of majesty, depressed indeed and overclouded, but still grand and imposing, in the manner and words of Father Buonaventure, which it was difficult to reconcile with those preconceived opinions which imputed subtlety and fraud to his sect and order.”
"Veterans Affairs Canada states that the date is of “remembrance for the men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace.”"
" . . . it is striking to see in the characters, in the symbols, and in the tension, how the series has produced something powerful that resonates with our culture today. "
". . . scripture is about life and the various writers were inspired by their experience of God’s role in the world around them."
"Here, I follow Hans Urs Von Balthasar in the insight that human drama in many ways echoes the divine drama. That our images, our art, and our film in some ways reveal the transcendent to us."
A tale of water blessed by the singing of the histories of love ino it.