Time Suspended -Cinema Poetry

Oh, if I could only be Still and quiet like a tree. Then I’d stand and stare ahead Sort of like I do in bed. Except in bed, I’m prone to lie, Always considerate of the sky. Stillness then I cultivate, So that movement I can brake.. How might all my features look If I were an object like a book? Caught in time, exposed in space, Racing ‘round in one set place… Then I’d be a frozen bee, Bought as I buzz, like a robber by the fuzz. Silenced iced and at full stop, Instead of tilt and swing and drop. For he said “Ye of little faith…” And walked upon the cresting wake. Only the doubters wouldn’t move Across the solid, ocean’s groove. 1997 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cinema poem: https://vimeo.com/239766369 Password: Time The poem was inspired by the PAWS array motion picture camera which was created for the Matrix films. The effect featured in the cinema poem, was one that seemed to stop time giving the viewer the sense that they might move through frozen moments... The password to view the film is "Time"
Peter Bisson
Posted at 12:58h, 26 JanuaryThank you Magdalena!
Posted at 11:57h, 29 JanuaryYou are the tree and tree is you…