Our Lady of the Lightning in Guadalajara, Mexico
"she is known as the principal advocate of those with urgent needs and those without work."...
Mary Hansen has written for the National Catholic Register, The Catholic Register, and St. Anthony Messenger. She writes about shrines and churches in Mexico at MADONNAS OF MEXICO. COM and children’s bible crafts at THE BIBLE MADE ME DO IT. COM. She is a former teacher and has a Master of Divinity degree from St. Michael’s (Toronto). She writes from North Bay, ON
8 posts
"she is known as the principal advocate of those with urgent needs and those without work."...
But there’s something else outstanding about Mel’s Diner: It has a shrine to Our Lady---in the entrance hall! You can’t miss it. And a bevy of statues and paintings of saints, the Infant of Prague and the Sacred Heart, adorn the walls of the foyer."...
" “We do not worship, we do not adore, for fear that we should bow down to the creature than to the Creator but we venerate the relics of the martyrs in order the better to adore Him whose martyrs they are.”...
"It was her role in restoring the papacy to Rome, however, that earned her a paramount place in church history. At her urging and persuasion, Pope Gregory XI, moved back to Rome after an absence of seventy years. "...
"“I am hungry for the work!” she said. “It would be my greatest delight to minister to the abandoned souls.” "...
"At the moment of his departure, however, “a silence fell on the crowd.” It was the “silence of sorrow” states Dr. Zsott Aradi, in his biography, Pope John XXIII: An Authorative Biography. The soldiers didn’t want him to leave!"...
"While in prison, Jacques began writing a spiritual diary for his young daughter. This diary, along with some prison letters, were published in book form in 1971 under the title, Light Under the Scaffold."...
"“I arrived with nothing. I leave you with nothing, but I leave you with a great treasure, the faith.”"...