":Little did I know what company I kept wearing those sandals."...

"he reminds us that whenever we stop to look carefully, we will always be surprised. And this is also the grandeur that Gerard Manley Hopkins evokes throughout his poetry: “all this juice and joy”, “brute beauty”, “all things counter"...

How often have you ever stopped to think about what you're about to do?...

"He was a spiritual man for whom self-denial, poverty and humility were important qualities."...

"The present science of Artificial Intelligence is ethnocentric, likely flawed. AI relies on the conceptual framework of understand and improve, and does not consider fundamentals from other cultures."...

"A year earlier, he had offered a pithy explanation of his rhetoric and pedagogy to The New York Times: “I don’t want them to believe what I say. I just want them to think.”"...

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