Norbert Piché

Norbert Piché is the Directeur national Service jésuite des réfugiés - Country Director Jesuit Refugee Service – Canada

24 posts

    Here I was, the one who had left so angrily, and who also was so in the wrong; and there was the one who had been wronged...

    "At this Christmas time when we are called to be bearers of light, bearers of hope: let us be guided by Jesus who came to bring light and hope to this world that needs it so much."...

    Consider what might be the prayer of a refugee and then decide what to do in answer to that prayer....

    "God has compassion for the “undeserving” as much as the “deserving”.  God knows them more than they know themselves.  God knows their pain.  God suffers with them.  God embraces them and invites them in." ...

    "Our Western governments (including Canada) put up walls (figurative and real ones) to prevent refugees from coming to our countries.  Can you imagine the neighbouring towns of Lytton telling those fleeing residents: “Sorry, there’s no room at the inn.”?"...

    " I was thinking at times: “He’s getting what he deserves.  His brothers are doing ok, and they lived through the same abandonment”.  These feelings of harshness towards Jesse gave me pause to think, reflect, and pray."...

    "How many of us have raised our voices to denounce the decision of our governments not to offer permanent residence to all those with precarious status who were on the front lines of the pandemic? " ...

    "I am convinced that it is only by embracing our own suffering and that of our neighbor, as pilgrims, that we will be able to live this new life in the manner of Jesus." ...

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