Viola Athaide

Viola Athaide, a student of Theology, is actively involved in parish life, leading Bible courses, the Prayer Group, and the Ministry with Maturing Adults.

104 posts

    The hush of evening hung low interrupted intermittently by an African Jakana wading bird...

    "As we traveled, I listened to shared stories, and became fully present to people in different settings. I was gradually being drawn into the miracle of life, natural and human."...

    Knowing comes later as we grow from child to adult....

    "The biblical stories show us that God never forgets his people, his promise, and his mercy. "...

    "Henri Nouwen also invites us to, “always look at Jesus, because in his crucified and glorified heart we will see ourselves called to share in his suffering as well as in his glory.”"...

    "In his book, Prayer-Finding the Heart’s True Home, Richard Foster writes about finding holiness . . . “If we cannot find God in the routines of home and shop, then we will not find him at all.”...

    In a miraculous moment, four faithful friends "become faith filled friends"...

    If your Christmas tree could talk what might it say after Christmas??...

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