A New Day Dawns

Tarnished tinsel loosely wrapped around a tired Christmas tree sits forlorn on a snowy mound waiting to be picked up and carelessly thrown on a travelling garbage heap. Was it only twenty four hours ago when it sparkled with colored lights twinkling on and off listening to carolling voices drunk on eggnog and half asleep in turkey stupor? Those fireside stories kept rolling along from old to young midst loud laughter softening to nostalgia and gently falling tear drops. The tree shivered in the cold air longing for the warmth of family and friends cheering with crystal stemware cracking nuts and jokes in good humor. Forgotten and fading fast in frigid air it felt abandoned, till a sudden burst of sunlight peeped through floating clouds to revive its lifeless limbs. You really love me, whispered the bent branches caressed by the breath of God, moving from post-holiday lethargy to a rosy horizon of possibilities.
Peggy Spencer
Posted at 03:00h, 18 JanuaryBeautiful.
Sylvia Lee
Posted at 11:16h, 18 JanuaryThank you for your poem, Viola. I love to hear the Christmas tree speaking to us. Beautiful sharing ! God bless you.
Lillian M Phelan
Posted at 12:09h, 18 JanuaryViola, reading this reflection brought to mind all the homeless people suffering loneliness, hunger, friendship and a warm place to call home. It calls all of us to reflect on how much we have.
Lalita Figueredo
Posted at 12:37h, 18 JanuaryViola, since you asked .. I think a fresh Christmas tree would say ‘I performed well during the Christmas season and now I get tossed on the curb’ and the artificial tree would say, ‘I did my job well and now I get boxed yet again and placed in the basement for another year!’
Maria Chrysant Susanto
Posted at 15:27h, 18 JanuaryThanks for sharing your poem Viola. We might sometimes have the same feeling like the Christmas tree. Once you are sparkling, admired but there comes the time that you feel alone and lonely.
mario coutinho
Posted at 16:27h, 18 JanuaryViola, that was the beautiful self-realization of appreciation and love by a Christmas tree that was totally unaware that it was so much loved and appreciated though it felt totally neglected for itself. It exudes a feeling that we often think is not true. We are always appreciated although it might not always be apparent.
Thank you
Mario and Olivia
Peter Bisson
Posted at 19:53h, 18 JanuaryThank you Viola!
Catherine Schwan
Posted at 20:42h, 18 JanuarySuch a wonderful reflection Viola! Oh Christmas Tree!
Maria Lobo
Posted at 10:56h, 19 JanuaryDear Viola,
This is so inspiring and hopeful…prompting the “forlorn…tired…forgotten” ones (who have seen better days), to explore ” a rosy horizon of possibilities”….as we recognize His light & His love surrounding us!
Thank you!
Marian Taylor
Posted at 17:18h, 19 JanuaryBeautiful reflection and beautifully poignant like all your works Viola. The overall sentiment of being discarded after its time of being central to the season rang true.
I was not quite able to relate to warm fireplaces – it was 42.9 F, the hottest Christmas day on record in Perth in Western Australia. Thank you for that beautiful piece – love ypur stuff.
Posted at 17:21h, 19 JanuaryKeep writing Viola.
May your every word expressed
and all the necessary silences in-between
continue to be a blessing to many.
Linda R Rego
Posted at 20:15h, 19 JanuaryLovely Viola. If trees could talk.
Andes Kwok
Posted at 09:25h, 20 JanuaryBeautiful poetry and it reminds me of “For everything there is a season” Ecclesiastics 3:1
Karen Arthurs
Posted at 09:12h, 21 JanuaryPossibility is a great symbol for the Christmas tree,Viola, as many zoos and animal sanctuaries now take them in the afterward to feed animals. The contrasts bring the senses alive !
Karen Yapp
Posted at 18:09h, 21 JanuaryThanks Viola for your beautiful poem. I am not sure what my tree would be saying now but for me when the colored lights are on especially at night, they warm and comfort my soul as if I am in God’s presence. Oh yeah, my tree ( it’s artificial) is still up with all the trimmings and I am not sure when it will be taken down…..not for now. Maybe soon.
Posted at 10:23h, 24 JanuaryViola, it is just amazing how when one reflects on the smallest things God Created we can look deeper into that object or once living item and then as you have so many times written in the past have been able to almost bring an object to life in words and thoughts – this is a true example of your creativity and reflection of our Lord’s Creation. May we too learn that we can look deeper into our lives and see new meaning each day in the very insignificant things that we take for granted.
May the Holy Spirit always guide you in your writing as you share these thoughts with so many others and awaken our minds to do likewise.