A New Earth … and New Life :Fifth Sunday of Easter
John speaks today of a new heaven and a new earth. The one on the throne says, See, I am making all things new. That newness is offered to the earth and to all of us. The new life comes to the earth as part of the cycles of the seasons.
The newness for each of us requires our own work – entry into the seasons of our faith traditions (especially Easter), and our own commitment to interior growth, spiritual connections with God and with one another. This month of May is filled with signs of new life in this part of the planet, both around us and within us.
Spring is breaking out all over. I am privileged to live on 21 acres, on a property adjacent to conservation areas. The view from my window includes mature trees and shrubs. The lilac bushes have leaves and will soon have buds. Even the daffodils and lowly dandelion flowers are a reminder of newness. I catch sight of plenty of birds and occasionally wild animals such as deer and a healthy-looking fox. Squirrels seem to thrive here. Just this morning I watched a skunk digging for grubs.
I also watch people setting off for a hike on the pathway at the edge of our property. I notice how excited the dogs become when they are let off their leash. Cees and Kyle, our landscaping team, are clearing up the branches that fell during the winter. Brother Paul is cleaning up the flower beds, It’s definitely spring.
t’s also spring for people who live or visit this place. A weekend retreat is in progress at Manresa Retreat House and I am halfway through accompanying two seminarians through the thirty-days Spiritual Exercises. I have my usual assortment of individuals for spiritual direction, including a woman who comes here each Saturday for a day of retreat. She can’t afford to skip her work during the week, so she is doing a retreat in daily life, spread over a few months.
She is also searching for new life. She is in her sixties, but is realizing a new vocation in her life. Newness! Even at sixty-six, she knows the need for a new way of living. The quest for a balanced spiritual life and a deeper relationship with the Lord is being nourished.
Rene Goupil House, our Jesuit infirmary, also shares this property. Despite the Jesuit priests and brothers being aged and infirmed, there are many signs of new life. Guys emerging from isolation for infections. Others getting positive news from diagnostic tests. Men being able to hear in a new way, because of new hearing aids. Jesuits from other communities staying for respite care.
New members of the staff who bring renewal and new energy. The needed renovations to the building are nearing their completion and the place feels fresh and renewed.
A new heaven and new earth are offered to each of us in this season of Easter. How do you experience it?
Ann Ascoli
Posted at 06:55h, 15 MayYes indeed – a season of hope ! The world over can hope for respite from the Covid virus. What have we learned during this trying time?
Vicky Chen
Posted at 07:07h, 15 MayThank you for this reflection, Fr. Phil.
May you continue to groom others to grow new shots through the ‘ever ancient, ever new’ grace of our loving God.
Mike Hyland
Posted at 08:34h, 15 MayA wonderful reflection Philip. Mary and I are opening our cottage and new life is all around us. I’m going to use your reflection for my prayer today. Thanks.
Margaret Manitowabi
Posted at 09:41h, 15 MayNewness experienced as I visit a family member 16 hours away from my home in journeying together for the past 2.5 weeks and another 1.5 weeks ahead. Just being in communion with home cooking, watching playoffs, watching each other feeding their spirit through walks, exercise, daily work, attending mass.
Peter Bisson
Posted at 09:59h, 15 MayThank you Philip! Absolutely true.
Dee Sproule
Posted at 09:43h, 16 MayThank you, Philip! You are blessed, and your reflection is a blessing (and a thoughtful reminder) for all of us.