Grace Colella
May 19, 2021
(Written before attending Regis College)
Why? Why must words be useless?
Because there are so many of them?
Because they do not tantalize or shock in the moment?
Because they are not paced at the clip of an action-packed movie?
You, reader of words, hearer of sounds
partaker of crowds and follower of news,
the dialogues, monologues, documentaries, dinner parties
and at days’ end a list for more –
do you seek words for what is still unexpressed?
do you fear too many words will burden another,
or too much silence will be misinterpreted,
or use words to avoid communication
when their purpose is to find a category, a label,
a solution for what is gone and what is to come?
Give me the throb of a bass guitar
and let the vibrations shake my coffee cup
and numb me
lest words find me and speak.
For I am not ready for words
unless they are stripped of their conveniences
when my mind’s eye will see the flap of their wings
flying agendaless
towards you.
Peter Bisson
Posted at 08:53h, 19 MayThank you Grace!