Canada 150 & Me – Will the Real Canada Please Step Forward?

I have just returned from a lovely pre breakfast walk…in shorts, sandals and a t-shirt. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the trees are in bloom and people were out walking their dogs. But the weather is not always like this.

It is early June today and Winterpeg has rapidly shifted from a long winter and short spring, to a 3 month summer, then to a 2 month fall and then…. another 6 month cycle of snow and cold. Flip this around though, and we have the beauty of four distinct seasons. Aside from the extremes of our weather, what kind of a place is Canada, and why are we celebrating our 150th birthday?Source: flickr

Of course indigenous people know their ancestors have been in Canada for over 10,000 years, and the French speaking Canadians have been here for more than 400 years. Yet the huge majority of us will be celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday on July 1. In spite of some grim history and some unfinished business, I think we have a lot to be thankful for.

For me, the blessings of being a Canadian are interconnected, taken for granted and often personal. Living in a free peaceful country, we elect our governments and have good medical, social welfare, and education systems. These are considered our heritage, but they are not free. Our armed forces paid a high price for them.

Similarly, we have been born in a “land of plenty” that has allowed us a high standard of living and a future that is the envy of the world. Our American next-door neighbours are our best friends… although at times they have taken us for granted, invaded us several times, and currently have a president who scares us.

Source: I also celebrate the bilingual and multicultural policies of Canada. The respect in these policies has kept us together. They also strengthen us by bringing immigrants and refugees from all over the world to our country.

On a personal level what I will celebrate on July 1 are much less grandiose policies. I look forward to being with my adult “children” and my 4 grand children. This being Canada, they have moved so that their new “homes” are in British Columbia, Ontario and northern Manitoba.

But their moves have led us to see some of the other beautiful regions of Canada, the second biggest country in the world. And through our excellent communication systems we can easily and economically snail mail/ phone/email and Face Time our family.

Government money invested in infrastructure also allows us to drive the Trans Canada highway all over Canada. Local highways allow an easy drive to our summer cottage. Airline ticket sales also allow us to fly to most communities in Canada. My arthritic back really enjoys these fast, bargain airplane trips. These bargains also are very convenient for “The Great Canadian Winter Escape

This may sound like bragging about our future, but I think as long as we admit to our faults and try to make Canada a better country, God will bless us.

Happy birthday, Canada!

Richard Grover is a retired history and religion teacher from St. Paul's High School in Winnipeg.

  • Peter Bisson, SJ
    Posted at 12:07h, 28 August Reply

    Thank you, Richard!

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