Persecuted Christians

Although they were not Christians, I look upon the Holy Innocents as our first martyrs.  Of course Jesus himself suffered persecution so that all people may have eternal life.

Courtesy of commons.wikimedia.comMy favorite persecution story takes me to St. Paul’s first missionary journey (Acts 14, 19-20).  He and Barnabas are in Lystra, now in Turkey, where they have met with initial success, but others object and stir the crowd into such frenzy that the people stone Paul.  They think Paul is dead so drag him out of the city, probably out of fear of the Roman Soldiers.  The Roman authorities wanted no trouble, and usually settled problems by crucifying trouble makers.  Paul regains consciousness and then goes right back to the city to continue his preaching!

Persecution can have many causes, generally centered on people who are somehow different than their persecutors.  Watch children deal with one another.  Consider differences based on skin color, race, tribe, age, or wealth.  It is important that we all examine ourselves carefully to watch how others might be persecuting us, and ask ourselves how we respond to such aggressiveness.  We can also look carefully at our thoughts, words, and actions to look for any signs of our persecution of others. 

Let’s go back to St. Paul.  He was certainly convinced that he had good news to share with people to the extent that he dedicate his whole life to preaching, while moving throughout the world he knew.  His sermons were clear and to the point, but he did not blame people.  Rather he invited them to open their hearts to Jesus’ new message of universal salvation.  Certainly he was disappointed and angry when others refused to change, but he did not condemn them.  Rather he moved on to share the news with others, and then often came back to again offer that good news to those who earlier had refused to accept it. Courtesy of

Sometimes teaching requires force.  Parents and teachers work hard to get important habits and lessons into youngsters.  Jesus chased the corrupt business people from the temple (Jn.2:16).  Stephen harshly challenged stubborn listeners (Acts 7:53).  However both prayed for these persecutors.  (Lk.23:34; Acts 7:60).  My fondest memories of my mother center on times when I as a youngster had caused trouble warranting a spanking (acceptable punishment sixty years ago!).  Once the punishment was over, she would always assure me of her love and forgiveness. 

Courtesy of frontpagemag.comPersecution is here to stay.  We cannot change much but we can pray for both persecutors and the persecuted.  Closer to home, we can examine ourselves daily.  Have I been too harsh on others?  Why was I so harsh?  Was I forcing my ideas on them, rather than presenting Jesus’ message of love to them?  Have I the courage, based on my love for them, to apologize to those I may have hurt?  Can I show others that the past is “over” by my continued cheerful and honest service to them? 

Perhaps people have challenged my religious beliefs and so persecuted me.  What is my reaction to them?  Do I interpret honest criticism as an attack on me?  Do I control my natural urge to fight back?  Can I look more deeply at my own thoughts, words, and actions?  I know I am trying to be as good as I can, but is there any arrogance in my mind?  Am I best proclaiming Jesus’ message to others?  Am I humble enough to admit that I am just one of the seven billion pilgrims on earth, all of us searching for the best road to heaven?   Courtesy of

Let’s continue to speak up for justice for all people.  Let’s pray for all, be their actions correct or not.  Let’s be sure that we are messengers of God’s compassion.     

Bill Robins, SJ, is a Canadian Jesuit who lived at Godavari, our original school at the south-east edge of the Kathmandu Valley. He lived in a community of six Jesuits and taught 11 and 12 English until his return to Canada in 2021.

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