Viola Athaide

Viola Athaide, a student of Theology, is actively involved in parish life, leading Bible courses, the Prayer Group, and the Ministry with Maturing Adults.

104 posts

    "I vibrate with an awareness of a dark and broken world, so in need of light, and love, and peace, and new life."...

    A computer glitch caused formatting problems when originally published so here it is now in the proper format...

    "So began my research into mask shopping. There were various kinds - disposable, reusable cloth ones, some with a nose wire and filter pocket, the no-sew variety, all quite different from the surgical masks, and of course the N95 respirator masks used in hospitals."...

    "How slender are the bodies of the young black oak! With one brush you could make them beautiful, on paper, but that would never be what they are.” ...

    The sounds and sights of walking with God as the Poet sees and hears them....

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