Jean Marc Laporte, SJ

Jean-Marc Laporte, SJ lives in Montreal where he is the socius to the novice director for the Canadian Jesuits.

36 posts

    During this January I was able to get the break I needed . . .I chose the Desert House of Prayer, a ministry of the Redemptorists in the U.S near Tucson. I got the rest I needed, learned a great deal about centering prayer – the topic of another blog – and left with new hope in this wintertime of ecumenism....

    As I look back on my life as a Jesuit I appreciate its deep continuities and underlying themes. Still there have been some unexpected moments, for example my most recent assignment as socius to the Novice Director. This blog is part of my reflection on how this fits into the unfolding of my Jesuit life under God's providence....

    In June, 2016 - after 76 years of ministry - the Jesuits will leave Halifax. Jean-Marc Laporte, Sj - one of the two Jesuits in Halifax - writes of what this will mean to the city and to the works of the Jesuits....

    This is the second of a two part posting which examines the movement from our minds wandering to our minds lost in contemplation, and from contemplation to compassion for the world, and that brings us back to our minds stretched in many directions....

    This is the first of a two part posting examining a movement which often occurs in our spiritual life, the movement from our minds wandering to our minds focused in meditation, and from meditation to our minds lost in contemplation, and from contemplation to compassion for the world.....

    For over 400 years, Jesuits and their colleagues have had a presence in Canada. Today they work coast to coast - from Vancouver to St.John's. In this series igNation invites you to join us as we travel across Canada stopping at cities where there are Jesuit apostolates to read personal reflections about the city and the work being done there. Today we stop in Halifax, Nova Scotia....

    The Church to which we belong has always lived in a surrounding culture, with which it has no choice but to interact. The Church is essentially the same down through the centuries and in all parts of the world, but often its practices and observances take on different hues and feelings because the culture of the people is different. This applies to Advent and Christmas....

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