Greg Kennedy, SJ

Greg Kennedy, SJ works as a spiritual director at the Ignatius Jesuit Centre in Guelph, Ontario. He is author of Reupholstered Psalms volumes I, II, and III; and Amazing Friendships between Animals and Saints (Novalis Press).

267 posts

    What would the world look like if Christ were to be born today?...

    A labyrinth is our accompanying journey to the heart of what we have been looking for - or not....

    " . . . an excerpt from Greg Kennedy’s new book Amazing Friendships between Animals and Saints, available through Novalis Publishing ("...

    The poet reminds us of Luke's story of authority, humility and credulity....

    Jesus, the good shepherd, is a mantra for our prayer....

    Today is the feast day of Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. Today the poet has set his poem to music....

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