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Winnipeg Snow

Winnipeg Snowt -February 20,2022, third highest record amount of snow fall 156.6 cm

(1919/20, 165.1 cm  & 1955/56, 210.2 cm)


 I know snow snow snow and snow

piled higher and higher than it can go,

ten foot mounds on most street sides,

ten inches even on the pavement lies,

walls of snow edge sidewalk paths of ice

tunnels branching into each house lot.

A plow flounders in our back lane rut

needing snow plow #2 to get unstuck;

That passage’s now utterly completely blocked

for car or even four wheel drive truck!

Basement windows are covered now in drifts;

like a bear in a cave I sleep live exist.

Then brisk breeze calms and sun steeps bold and bright;

Snow sparkles in the crispy air and all is again somewhat

alright, I guess.