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Well Wounded

He got to know his skin,
got to know it from within
and the more he touched on God
the more God felt like him--
a body beaten full of grace,
a body beaten full of grace.

One, Two, Three,
catch the eye of the Trinity
looking down on our broken lives
discerning with a winsome smile
which of them will get to be
the saving earthly refugee
the saving earthly refugee.

He got battered a thousand ways
and each break strengthened his faith
that the God of his deepest dreams
was the God of his clearest days--
a body limping full of grace
a body limping full of grace.

Glory has a sphinx's smile.
Power is a force fragile
in our hurting, human fists.

Wealth and all the other wiles
in the foe's big bag of tricks
are no question dangerous,
but a body beaten full of grace
a body beaten full of grace
knows how to convalesce.

(a vocal version of "Well Wounded" is here: :https://youtu.be/btQxLkaiNdg [1]