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On The Quest to Being Ordinary

Jesus was not a priest, not a Pharisee or a scribe.  He was not a king, though the devil offered him the choice to become one.  He was a refugee who luckily was able to return to his homeland.  He grew up in a small town and learned the carpentry trade.  His father and he had a business in a little place from where nothing good was supposed to ever come.

“[Christ Jesus] who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness, and being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross…”(Philippians 2: 6-8)

He was equal to God, but chose to be ordinary, and vulnerable.

From within a church, it is easy to be peaceful amidst the beautiful images shining through the stained glass windows, to become enraptured with the images of the crucifix and the saints, to meditate with the lingering fragrance of incense.  It’s easy to stay inside.  It is easy to get comfortable, and not seek what God is actually asking.

A friend of mine who left clerical life realized that he was being called by God to leave, to go outside, for the possibility of being extraordinary, leaving behind his safety nets and really living intentionally.  With courage, he chose to set out and do things that are otherwise fearful.

“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized them as companions of Jesus.” (Acts of the Apostles 4: 13)

And so to follow Christ, the correct way for me is to remain ordinary.   I remain an ordinary man, never expecting to be perfect, but maybe a little bit bolder every day.  The vulnerability is frightening.  “Courage,” says God, “and be recognized.”