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Canada 150 & Me – God Bless Canada!

The year 1967 was significant for me in many ways… most important of which, I chose to become a member of the Roman Catholic faith. Three weeks later, I met a handsome Catholic named Jack Earle, and nine months later, we married.

This would be our 50th anniversary year. Unfortunately, he died in 2004, but the happy memories linger. It had been a joke among my friends that my Centennial Year project was to get married, and that happened.

Our country has changed dramatically since then. Just as I have grown to be a more tolerate person, Canada has opened its doors to people from many parts of the world. A few years ago, when I was living in Toronto, I recall a morning on the subway when I looked around and realized that there were only two Caucasians in that packed car, and I was one of them. The diversity of many cultures has broadened all of our horizons. Living in Toronto for nine years assisted me to let go of some of my prejudice toward other cultures.

The politics of this country is also very different than it was in our Centennial year. We are now a nation that has made abortion and euthanasia acceptable, according to the law. In my opinion, it will never be accepted in God’s eyes, but then, how many believers have we also lost in this fast-paced world? Making time for prayer seems to be at the bottom of a daily list for many people.

The tragedy and loss of life that occurred on Sept.11, 2001 should have shocked us into a new awareness that normal life could be disrupted in a matter of minutes. For a few months, we paused to appreciate the goodness within the hearts of all the first responders who gave up their lives, the churches that provided comfort for grieving families, and the donations and outpouring of love that resulted from this terrible incident. But that was 16 years ago; almost a generation has passed and so many souls continue to be starving for nourishment.

If only we could learn that life is precious; all life, from birth to natural death. If only more people would surf the internet for prayerful items rather than silly jokes and pornography. If only families would try to plan a few more meals together each week and thank God with a few simple moments of grace….aren’t these wishes that could come true?

Yes, I am an optimist. God continues to be in charge of the world. He watches over all of us living in this amazing country called Canada. I am hopeful that in our celebrations this year, we will take time to thank Him for the many blessings we have received, and pray that we can continue to grow in love for our neighbour.

God gave us free will, so let’s not blame Him for the things we lack. Let us try to make good choices and pray diligently for our politicians, that they might seek truth in every decision they make on our behalf. Let us pray for courage for those in leadership of the various church denominations, that they will speak out when necessary, to remind us to stay on God’s path.

Happy 150th birthday, we will say on July 1st. May each of us be grateful and continue to “stand on guard” so that our land may remain, as our national anthem says, “glorious and free,” with God’s help!