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Cancer: What Have I Learned?

            It is now a little over a year since I first discovered the lump that turned out to be breast cancer.  For that reason and also because since  Feb 5 was World Cancer Day and February is Breast Cancer Awareness Month,  I thought it would be a good time to try to answer this question.

            I have gained much factual information about cancer:  the various types , the challenges that cancer presents, the prognosis for  each type, how cancer is treated, chemotherapy, radiation, and side effects.  I have also learned that there is constant cancer research, resulting in many more success stories than there used to be.

            Cancer can strike anyone at any time, even if you are very healthy and there is no history of cancer in your family. It turns your life upside down, as well as the lives of your family, friends and colleagues.  Priorities change drastically, suddenly and sometimes from day to day.  Everyone reacts to and handles the challenge of cancer in their own way.

            The Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre, has been the location for most of my cancer treatment and I have learned much about the quality of its care, its  resources , and the positive atmosphere, even though many patients are facing  life threatening challenges.  What makes a true  a true health care professional?   It is not just knowledge and skills, but when compassion is  added to the mix, the health care worker  becomes a healer, in the broadest sense of the word.  It becomes a vocation, a ministry, whether the health care worker realizes it or not.  A kind word or gesture goes a long way while you are waiting for surgery or you are undergoing followup treatments.

            St. Pius X parishioners have become an integral part of my recovery.  About ten days before my surgery, my diagnosis was announced to the parish at all the weekend Masses and I was given a special blessing. Prayers, cards, Mass cards, e-mails, phone calls, gifts of various kind, get well wishes and inquiries about  my health still continue a year later and are a constant source of amazement, inspiration and consolation. I feel as if I have been "adopted" with the practical care provided to me by so many parishioners and staff.  Moe, my four-legged canine companion, has also been "adopted” by two gracious ladies when I was unable to look after him myself.

            My  hair has also been a topic of conversation as parishioners greet me every Sunday with comments about its regrowth.  One lady told me that I was getting more "fuzzy wuzzy' every day.  I also have a new respect for bald men – your head gets cold.

            Prayer. I have always known that ours is a praying parish.  The past year has served to reinforce that belief. Thanks to the Jesuit network, and to friends outside of the province  I have been included in the prayers of people from as far away as India and Pakistan and all points in between. These prayers have upheld and surrounded me and I have felt the consolation such prayer brings. I have also had “conversations” with deceased family and friends and have been guided by their example. I have a new appreciation for the Communion of Saints.  

            In the early months following the discovery of the lump, I did not remember what I prayed for.  Eventually I prayed and continue to pray for healing, healing in the broadest sense of the word.  I have also prayed for fortitude, to just get through some difficult days and for the grace to live each day to the fullest.  My constant prayer has been:


You, Lord, are all I have

And you give me all I need.

My future is in your hands. (Ps 16:5)