Rev. Robert Cooke

Rev. Robert Cooke is the priest-in-charge of St. Mark's Anglican Church in St. John's, Newfoundland.

22 posts

    "We are marked as Christ’s own, forever.  Like Jesus we, too, are God’s own beloved child.  Nothing can change that.  Nothing! "...

    Some thoughts from the General Synod of the Anglican Church on marriage equality....

    This refection from a Newfoundland minister deal with the opening section of the Anglican lliturgy - the gathering....

    "I am here on serious business today. I am here to warn you all of a great threat to us. A threat to our way of life. A treat to the ease and comfort in which we live. A threat to the personal security that we so often take for granted."...

    "On Wednesday, September 6, somewhere around 8:00 in the morning, my father got out of bed, put out the garbage, took out some squid for supper, went out to his shed, took two pieces of old scrap rope he had tied together and took his own life. I am a survivor of suicide."...

    This traditional English porter is named for the great doctor of the church, Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109). He is best known as the Archbishop of Canterbury. His time as Primate of the English church was as stormy as the climate of the British Isle itself....

    How the Atlantic ocean impacts our senses is the theme of today's Poetry Tuesday....

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