John Montague

John Montague earned his Master of Divinity from Regis College, University of Toronto. He is an active member of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. He has a Master of Social Work, and, until his retirement, provided counselling to individuals, couples, and families. For seventeen years he organized a Day of Reflection for Catholic parents of lesbian daughters, gay sons, and transgendered children.

37 posts

    :. . . responding to grace can make us free. Don’t be afraid to bother God with prayers of petition.."...

    "Although this movie plot is pure  fantasy, the notion of being invited to join, to be included,  parallels with what we believe as Christians happens upon baptism. We are anointed as worthy."...

    "Ignatius advised spiritual directors that sometimes it’s necessary in working with a directee that we might not agree with, to give them the benefit of the doubt." ...

    "Let’s pray that the Synod on Synodality is fruitful not just for those who already feel a strong right to be at the table, but especially for the marginalized:. . "...

    "When I pray for them critical judgement ceases, gratitude to God increases, and fear is dispelled."...

    Regis College challenged me to do some ministry with the degree. The Holy Spirit leads us on different paths."...

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