Millions We Are!

Millions we are
Across the world
But I never really felt it before.
Now, I see it online.

Often, we were more or less than a 100
At any mass I attended.
Now, I see people from hundreds of countries
Connecting for the mass we would soon attend on YouTube.

United States, Canada, Nigeria, Russia, Sri Lanka… the whole world!
The number of my fellow faithful
Just blows me away
Whenever I connect on my laptop for a mass!

Millions we are!
It’s marvellous to feel in community…
To feel that we are not just a few sharing the same values.
It overwhelmingly warms my heart.

Then, a question started arising in me:
Why don’t we carry our heavy weight to change the world?
Why don’t we change a world plagued with injustice and corruption…
And tend to the most vulnerable and the poor
Who are painfully disregarded by our society’s mainstream values?

Maybe we have the number on our side
To undermine the Master-Slave Dynamic
So well-rooted in our society’s dominant institutions.
Why would not our values substitute this mainstream dynamic?

For one moment, I realized my naïve daydreaming.
But there might be a truth in that daydreaming.
Millions we are, virtually and in reality
And great could be our positive impact in our society!

Indeed, millions are we!

Dodzi Jean-Antoine Amemado is a university scholar. He also works with the Federal Government in Ottawa.

  • Peter Bisson SJ
    Posted at 08:23h, 27 June Reply

    Thank you Dodzi!

  • Pauline Lally
    Posted at 08:52h, 27 June Reply


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