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What Christ the King Means to Me

Jo-Anne Henderson is living with cancer in its last stages. She shares her reflections.


For some months, I have had cause to reflect on my life. The prospect of dying soon made me hope that I have lived my life as called to do so by Christ.

Suddenly I realize I have been trying to do that all my life, without really thinking about it.

It’s really quite simple. Just do that. Just try to live your life as called to by Christ.

I’m not a saint. I just try to be open and loving. If a judgment must be made, keep it as open as possible.

I am told that I am courageous. I don’t feel that, nor do I feel fear. I feel rather matter-of-fact: Christ is with me now, as he has been all along.

And that is how I am feeling now, filled with joy in my love and trust in God.  I am graced with a wonderful support system and will be able to pass this mortal life in peace and comfort.  I have no timeline, but all is good.