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Our Teachers The Trees

In Letter 101 to Henri Murdoch, abbé de Vanclair, St. Bernard of Clairvaux writes;   “We learn more in the woods than in books.  The trees and the rocks will teach you more things than you could hear from anywhere else”.  I am gradually discovering just how true this is.

For a number of years early in October at the beginning of the Forty Day Institute I have been giving a talk on God Creating.  The first time I was to give this talk it seemed important to spend time being out on the land as the final last minute preparation for my presentation.

As I stood amidst some familiar trees it seemed appropriate to listen for a message for the program participants, and to my great surprise there was a clear response; “Tell them we love them”.  Thus it became my habit to visit some of our trees each year just before I was to give this talk, and so far I have not been disappointed.

On one occasion I could hear the leaves and the wind whispering to each other and see the branches gently swaying to the wind’s rhythms.  I seemed to hear the message; “Tell them to listen and let the Spirit move them”.

The following year as it was raining softly I heard; “Just be there and let God’s grace, God’s love like this rain pour over you and soak into your souls”.  Another time I heard; “be still, rooted in the earth of God’s love and be aware of God delighting in you”.

More recently, the moment I step out of our office door a great silver maple proclaimed; “Celebrate!” which is something it continues to do just for me each day as I approach the office door.  As these yearly talks continued I was beginning to wonder if I was being presumptuous in always expecting a clear message; however I was assured and deeply consoled as I entered a favorite grove of white pine to my surprise they called me by name; “Hi Bill”.

Now people may be thinking this is all in my imagination.  To this I can only respond that St. Ignatius strongly encourages the use of imagination in prayer. Furthermore, when Joan of Arc was on trial her accusers were saying; “All these messages that you claim to be hearing from God are only in your imagination”.  Without hesitation Saint Joan replied; “Of course they are in my imagination; how else could God speak to me.”

So yes these messages through God’s precious creatures are all in my imagination; how else could they speak to me?