Things I Do Not Understand

Source: The Author.

I have never understood how a caterpillar could metamorphize into a butterfly.  There are many other things I do not understand.  For years now I have been declaring in public worship I believe on the third day Jesus “rose again from the dead.”  But I don’t understand it.

 I think I am still much like the disciples after they saw the transfigured Jesus on the Mountain who questioned “what rising from the dead meant” (Mk 9:9).

And I am often like the disciples who, when Jesus explicitly told them what his mission was, didn’t want to hear the part about suffering and dying!  It took much to convince his disciples that he was risen from the dead.

They didn’t believe the women who came from the tomb.  They didn’t believe Mary of Magdala.  Even when Jesus physically stood among them, they still found it hard to believe.  Thomas, was the proverbial doubter.

It seems that only after touching Jesus and especially eating with him were they convinced.  It seems that only at the breakfast on the seashore after another huge catch of fish and having spent time with Him after his resurrection was their belief solidified that Jesus indeed was risen from the dead and truly was the fulfilment of all their hopes.  They finally saw and believed.

Although I have not seen with mine own eyes, I do believe.  My belief is based on their experience and belief.  It is founded on the belief of all those who through the many centuries placed their faith and trust in those same witnesses.

 It is supported by my own experience of the risen Jesus in the celebration of his presence in the Eucharist with the People of God and in the sacraments I have been privileged to administer in His name.

 But though I do not see and though I do not understand, I do believe.  And I bank my whole life on that belief.

Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.

The peace and joy of the risen Jesus be with you!

Frank Obrigewitsch, SJ, is pastor of St. Ignatius parish in Winnipeg.

  • Peter Bisson
    Posted at 07:49h, 17 June Reply

    Thank you Frank!

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