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Prayer of Sharing the Journey – praying with and for Migrants & Refugees

O Creator God

You have given me my life,

which can only be made full on this earth by sharing it

with others and with You.


Help me to walk this path you have created.

Your Son has shown it to be vital, true, and beautiful.

Your Spirit desires and commits to it,

sustaining others and me along His Way.


You call me to share in this journey of salvation for all.

Doing it together, we are now being saved.

Help me to use my life for the very mission you gave your Son Jesus:

to build your Kingdom of Love, Justice and Peace—

here on earth as it is in Heaven.


Give me the generosity to be hospitable and welcome others

to what is rightfully all of ours in Your name.

Let me stand up courageously

against those who want to exclude,

create division, and perpetuate prejudice.

Help me to defend the victims of such hatred.


May I go on learning how to love as You do:

create homes for those who have none,

clear pathways for those who want to walk forward in search of safety and life,

bring intelligence, wisdom and honesty to deception and darkness,

and work selflessly with others to Your end.


Comfort the refugee who has lost a relative or friend.

Free the detained.

Bring sound hearing to the refugee claimant.

Give truth to the one declaring the verdict.

Provide strength to the migrant who walks to safety.

Draw others to greet them with compassion.


Give me the grace to say “yes” and do it.

May I receive this day as gift.

And whatever I say and do,

may I share in the journey today

with You, Your Son and Holy Spirit.
