- igNation - https://ignation.ca -

Every Day

Every day, appreciate the good that happened.

Every day, give thanks for the little moments of happiness

Even the most trivial ones, as long as they are positive.

Appreciate them, rejoice!

Show a gentle smile, and let your memory embrace them.

Let it embrace them warmly

To impress them in your mind.

Every day, appreciate the time spent with yourself

With friends, with colleagues, with family.

Nourish yourself with the positive in these moments.

They might be insignificant, but certainly invaluable.

Every day, appreciate life, the work, the bread, the relationships.

Every day, find a reason, even the tiniest one

To rejoice, to give thanks, to be grateful.

Identify daily things that did not go well

Reflect on them to improve them tomorrow.

Every day, observe this everyday appointment.

It’s like an appointment with yourself

To continue to grow

To continue to evolve

To continue to stay in touch with yourself…

So as not to escape yourself.

Never forget to review each day

Never forget to give thanks

To maintain contact with ourselves, with others, with Nature.
