Trusting in Divine Will


Those familiar words: “Our Trials are Never Greater Than Our Strength to Bear Them.”  often reminds me that my daily life is in His hands.

Thank God I learned how to trust His will before I faced the sudden loss of my only son John, two years ago. John was 43 and though it was painful, and still is, I do believe that God permitted this, and gave all of us the strength to handle the loss. Of course, we prayed for His comfort and leaned on the prayers of others as we walked through the valley of the shadow of death. The gift of prayer is priceless.


Recently, one of my sisters was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It is a difficult type of cancer because it usually has spread before a person receives their diagnosis. But God opened the doors that were needed for her consultation, chemo, and surgery, and He continues to sustain her as she regains her strength. The future is unknown, but she is a woman of faith and is leaning on God’s will to move forward with her life.

I believe in Divine Providence. As Jean Pierre de Caussade, S.J. explained in his book about abandonment, we must give total control and trust to God.  It is easier to respond to difficulties that arise if we know that God will see us through them, and the secret to maintaining inner peace comes from embracing His providence.


I recently read a description, comparing a soul to a piece of marble, and the chiselling that Our Lord must do to refine us so that we will one day be worthy of sharing in the glory of heaven. Being human means that we have flaws and so, we must expect some trials and challenges along the way.

Jesus promised that He would join us on our journey. I believe His words with all of my heart because His grace has sustained me through several unexpected losses of family members.

The most difficult challenge is to know that the Holy Spirit is truly present in our lives. We must take the time to be still, and listen to the promptings that will guide us and keep us on the right path.

Joan Levy Earle was an author and artist living in Cornwall, Ontario. She was the former Associate Editor of the Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart magazine.

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